Eden turned two months old three days ago. I made it! I actually survived the first two months with three kids. There were definitely some overwhelming moments, times when all three of the kids would be crying and screaming and all I could do was pray that God would give me just enough grace to get through the rest of the day. And the grace would come because He is so faithful. There were also a lot of beautiful moments. Like seeing Eden smile for the first time. Or watching her when she is first awake in the morning and all she wants to do is kick her legs and coo. Witnessing her eyes light up when she heard Jazmyn say "Don't cry, baby Bear." So many precious moments that go by way to fast.
I was so blessed to have Nathan be able to take two weeks off after Eden was born. I spent most all of it at home with my family, bonding, resting and recuperating. When he went back to work, my friend, Nikki, was over many times to help. She was a Godsend! She fixed lunches, did laundry, played with the kids, and kept me company. She saved my sanity in those early weeks of adjustment.
My parents have faithfully been coming over every Saturday to visit and give me a reprieve while Nathan's still working weekends. It has been so nice to spend time with them and the kids really look forward to it. It is such a blessing to have them living so close to us.
We were able to go up to Pendleton for a few days to visit with my aunt, uncle, and grandparents. My aunt Marie was so hospitable and made us feel right at home. I really enjoyed all of the quality time we got to spend with everyone.
It's amazing how every baby is different. It never ceases to amaze me how something that worked so well to soothe one of my babies does absolutely nothing for the others! Eden is a very sweet, happy baby for the most part, but during her colicy times she gets her point across about how mad she is! Nathan and I have to tag team during dinner on most nights because that is her fussiest time. Thankfully she's been sleeping through the night (other than feedings) since she was born. I'm not sure how I would be able to function if she chose to spend nights doing her colic routine.
Two weeks old Baby Girl!! And you have done soo well taking care of all of the kids Baby. I love you :)